Kempten: Im schönen Hofgarten kann man sich vom Besuch der fürstäbtlichen Residenz erholen

Roman relics, a chapel underground, relaxed town squares and seven other tips for an enjoyable visit to Kempten. What to see and experience in Kempten.

Reading time: 5 minutes

10 Things To Do in Kempten


Kempten Museum in the Zumsteinhaus

It’s easy to lose track when you have more than 2,000 years of history to look back on. The Kempten Museum explains it all clearly and well - and free of charge. (only in German)



Situated on the boundary between the former Imperial City and the monastic town, there is plenty to see here. A market is held here every Wednesday and Saturday through the summer.

Kempten: Zugang zum unterirdischer Schauraum der ehemaligen Erasmuskapelle, die erst 2003 entdeckt wurde

Erasmus Chapel display room

The secretive underground chapel on St.-Mang-Platz was only discovered during building work in 2003. A fantastic multivision show tells the story of what we know so far about this place. (only in Kempten)

Kempten: Der Brunnen am Rathausplatz ist ein beliebter Treffpunkt für Kemptner und Touristen


Kempten’s most beautiful square is a mass of greenery: the luxuriant planting reminds you of places south of the Alps while the cafes and restaurants have many outdoor seating areas, tempting you to make several stops in the course of the day.

Archäologischer Park Cambodunum in Kempten

Archaeological Park Cambodunum

Every two years, Kempten’s Roman precursor north of the Iller is the venue for the Cambodunum Roman Festival. New features include the interactive tour and the multimedia app. (only in German)

Prunkräume der Residenz Kempten

Residence and Hofgarten

A great combination, as in the beautiful Hofgarten you can recover from the bling of the staterooms, where the Duke-Abbots once wallowed in luxury. Built in 1652, the Kempten Residence was the first monumental monastery complex in Germany.

Shopping im Forum Allgäu in Kempten

Shopping in the Forum Allgäu

The best place for shopping is the pedestrian zone in the old town. But a visit to the “Forum Allgäu” is not only a treat for rainy days. The biggest mall in the Allgäu has 90 shops.


Allgäuer Festwoche

As Munich has its Oktoberfest, so Kempten has its own festival week. The combination of trade fair and summer festival is the main event of the year. (only in German)

Zweitstädtestadt Kempten bestand früher aus zwei Städten: Freie Reichsstadt Kempten und eine vom Fürstabt regierte Stiftsstadt

Alpine view at Mariaberg

The Höhenrücken to the west of Kempten offers a fantastic view of the mountains. And the Biergarten at the inn of the same name has plenty of culinary treats in store. (only in German)


Alpine Museum

Great exhibitions on topics such as extreme mountaineering, worldwide expeditions, the history of skiing and the Alps as a natural and living space. One of the most exciting sights.

Kempten: Blick vom mittelalterlichen Rathaus auf den üppig bepflanzten Rathausplatz

Desire for a trip to Kempten?

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